Recruitment Program

Let’s be a part of TMMIN!

TMMIN offer two main programs, the Toyota Internship Program and the New Employee Development Program,
that will provide opportunities for young Indonesian talents to develop their careers together with TMMIN.


The Toyota Internship Program is a certified internship program with an integrated curriculum.

The Toyota Internship Program aims to facilitate interns by providing opportunities for students to experience real working experiences
in the world's largest automotive company.

For six months, interns will have the opportunity to develop their skills by being directly involved with projects
at TMMIN accompanied by experts in their fields.

  • Program Opened On:
    August 2024 - February 2025

  • Registration:
    May 2024 - July 2024


The New Employee Development Program (NEDP) is a follow-up program to the Toyota Internship Program and comprehensively designed to accelerate
the transformation from fresh graduate to future leader in TMMIN.

For six months, NEDP participants will be working on various impactful projects that affect the company's business.
Through the concept of On-the-Job Development (JD), new leaders will be prepared to face future business challenges.

01 / 03

Annisa Ayuningtyas

Carbon Neutrality, Renewable Energy, and New Business Development

Universitas Diponegoro

Mentor di TMMIN sangat kompeten. Selain aspek teknis, mentor juga membantu pengembangan communication & leadership skill serta memberikan inspirasi untuk terus belajar.
02 / 03

Satya Ananda

IT, System, & Cyber Security Modernization

Universitas Indonesia

Keterlibatan langsung dalam proyek TMMIN membuat pekerjaan bermakna sehingga memotivasi saya untuk selalu berkembang demi meningkatkan kontribusi.
03 / 03

Angelica Helen

Production Strategic Planning

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Komitmen TMMIN dalam mengembangkan kualitas diri sangat terasa dalam kegiatan magang ini. Lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan dan dukungan dari mentor mampu memotivasi diri saya untuk terus belajar dan berkembang.